Friday, November 23, 2012


Meet our elf zippy he came to our family on Thanksgiving. The kids are excited to see where he moves every morning.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Our Photo Day 2012

All my kids

Austin & Sommer aren't they beautiful!



Twins and Company Fall Party
The one and only photo I got o them before they all freaked out... Rosalee wouldn't even put on her costume because "it hurts mommy" so she wore her rain coat with a cat face on the hood.

Rosalee LOVED feeding the mule his carrots.
Daven liked the horse

Rose was so excited to pet him she just couldn't get enough.

Lucy wanted nothing to do with it... she was freaked out.

Showing Daven how he will eat out of his hand
feeding the geese

Rosalee picking a pumpkin

Lucy trying to pick up this big pumpkin.

Daven loved to pull the wagon everywhere.

Rosalee making a funny face on the tractor.

My brother was hit by a drunk driver on his motorcycle early in October the kids wanted to make him pictures to make him feel better. We took them to him in the hospital. He is doing ok broke his leg and tore all of the tendons in his right foot. He will be doing lots of sitting but through this all he realized just how much he loved his new girlfriend Amber and proposed to her! We are so excited to grow our family.
Adam and Amber

Pumpkin Time

Austin came down for our family pictures and we decided to decorate our pumpkins while she was here. She helped Lucy with her piggie pumpkin.

daven and his puppy punkin

Rosalee and her kitty cat she wanted to put whiskers on her...

My annual photo of the kids and their pumpkins... they are getting so big!

Happy Halloween
This is the best picture I got from the kids all together! oh and Nana
Lucy was in her words "Meme (Mini) Mouse Boutique"
Rosalee was Jessie from Toy Story she had a red hat and bullseye but they didn't make it the whole night. I wasn't sure if I she was going to wear it all night when I put it on her she acted like it was burning the flesh off her body (she hates dress up) The only way I got her in it was to say you have to have a costume on the get candy. :)