Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fall time fun photos

I've been harrassed lately that I have not blogged recently... so here we go! 
We have had such a busy life... although I keep it that way. they say that idle hands are the devils playground and well it is true. If the kids have too much downtime they get restless and start getting creative. We have had toilet paper wads on the mirror, playing with sharpies on the dresser, and tearing apart piece by piece the barbie dream house. But with all of that "chaos" They are the most sweet kids I could ever ask for. 

Lucy is doing so great in speech therapy school her teacher just loves her. She had quite a temper on her going into it but that was just because she couldn't communicate what she wanted with you so she just broke down. Now she has the skills she needs to say what she wants to say some words may be a little difficult to understand still but she is miles from when we started . She just loves to give hugs and kisses, she can just look at me with googly eyes and say "I love you mommy" and squeeze the daylight out of you.

Daven is so fun and a siphon of all of my energy. Since we have started school at home he has done so great! He knows 1/3 of his ABC's by sight and all his numbers from 1-10. He can memorize anything from songs to verses to logos. He is currently infatuated with David and Goliath and has a rope he calls his sling shot. Although, his new infatuation is a bow and arrow, he doesn't have one yet but he is convinced that there will be one under the tree this year.

Rosalee is my little shadow there are few places I go that she does not find me. She slips into my bed without my detection quite often and I don't notice till almost time to get up. She has the goofiest sense of humor one minute she is just sitting at the table eating the next a crazy face and uncontrollable giggling. She loves little little figurines and has a vivid imagination. She loves coloring and painting coloring pages and is getting really good at staying in the lines and using lots of color.  

County Fair

we went to the fair this year with our good friends and had so much fun!



Riding the train at the fair Lucy thought she was in a parade and waved to everyone.

Lucy said it is "very stinky in here" with the poultry

can you tell rose loves rabbits?

 First Day of School

 Other School Photos

 Pumpkin Picking Day with Twins and Company Moms

Lucy again thinking she is on a parade float but actually on a hay ride :)

All of the kids at the party afterward

 Pumpkin Carving Night

 Annual Pumpkin Photo

 Halloween Night

We took the kids trick or treating for the first time with our friends and the kids were so super excited about it up until we went to a block with some pretty scary houses and three boys dressed as the joker and scared Daven half to death he left in tears.
Do they seem excited to you?

Captain America, Ariel, and The Incredibles "Violet"

Family Photos with Lindsey Kay Photography

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