Friday, May 20, 2011

what a fun life!

Life is going good. We had a little bit of a scare this weekend. My mom had to be admitted in the hospital today because of some more complications with her surgery last year. But as of right now everything is fine but keep her in your prayers.

The kids have been loving the sunshine!! and so have I. We spend a lot of time out there these days. All of the kids have been trying to push through their molars the last couple of weeks. Daven and Rosalee have both been pretty crabby. Daven broke one molar through and one of his front teeth, Lucy has two molars broke through, and Rosalee broke a front tooth and is working on her molars. AHHH it is not so much fun to have 3 teething toddlers. At least Lucy doesn't complain too much rarely does she need any tylenol.

Also, Lucy is officially a WALKER! Yahoo... She is doing so great and loves every minute of it. She has even mastered squatting and standing up without holding onto anything. I remember Daven and Rosalee couldn't do that for months after they started walking so she is above the curve there.

Project 365
May 9, 2011
On the day that Daven got himself stuck this is what her looked like just after he realized he was stuck and needed help. Austin was quick enough to get a photo as I was putting the drawer down that I just took out of the second slot.

May 10, 2011
My handsome boy... looks like he just jumped down from trying to scale the bookcase.

May 11, 2011
Rosalee likes Daddy's hat... how cute is she...

May 12, 2011
Daven has been loving this grocery cart lately. he loves to push barney all the way from the kitchen to the front door then drag the shopping cart behind him back to the kitchen. It is pretty funny to watch him go back and forth with it.

May 13, 2011
We are at my mom's house in the photo and a few years ago I got her this cute pink hippo that wiggles its ears and talks to you. The kids love it. In the photo Lucy was carrying it around like a baby doll. Love it!

May 14, 2011
I have been asked a lot about the kids in their car seats lately. Everyone is intrigued about having three car seats in a row... Well here it is, tight fit huh?

May 15, 2011
Daven loves balls... he will stop everything that he is doing if he sees a ball.

May 16, 2011
Poor Daven when he is teething he gets really tired, which throws off our napping schedule. He was so tuckered out he climbed up onto the couch and crashed.

May 17, 2011
Hi Rosalee you are too cute!

May 18, 2011
The girls love this swing we put up. The girls will let us push them around forever.

May 19, 2011
Sommer was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society Today we are so proud of her accomplishments this year.

May 20, 2011
This is what Lucy looks like most of the time now walking around with a HUGE grin on her face... what a doll!

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