Monday, August 30, 2010


If you haven't noticed from my lack of posting it has been a really busy couple of weeks in the Skellenger home. We have been getting ready for school to start. Austin started her first week of Charter yesterday as is so far enjoying herself. She started her first day of college last week and is doing good so far. Sommer got her acceptance letter to attend River City Middle School this week and she gets her schedule and locker combo tomorrow. She is really excited to start this new adventure. I hope she really enjoys her new school and new surroundings.

My Dad stopped by on Saturday and took my son with him camping (pictures to come) he looked like he had so much fun. His uncle was a little worried because he is pretty notorious for being the wild one but I guess he behaved himself pretty well. I have to say though that it was pretty hard to have him so far away with no cell service to check up on him I missed him more than I thought.

Project 365

P365 (August 30, 2010)
We have a curtain right by our port-a-crib downstairs before today no one has noticed it being there. When I walked back into the room from doing the dishes I found Lucy curled up in my curtain asleep she was so cute I just had to take a picture.

P365 (August 29, 2010)Just Rosalee saying hi!

P365 (August 28, 2010)Rosalee caught in the act

P365 (August 27, 2010)
Just a day in the life everyone playing together nicely... for now

P365 (August 26, 2010)
Kelli and Penny came to see the triplets new little cousin Lilly... She is so cute (pictured below) I really enjoyed seeing my cousins.

P365 (August 25, 2010)
This is a picture of the kids watching their favorite show "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" The theme song gets their attention and quiets them down so quickly that we end up rewinding it to listen to the song a couple times while I get bottles or breakfast ready... It helps keep the peace, Thank you Mickey Mouse!

P365 (August 24, 2010)
I just finished a bag of cheetos and the kids thought that it looked pretty interesting they were fighting over it for 10 minutes, it just kept going around the circle.

P365 (August 23, 2010)
So Lindsey came over and showed me how to use my Light Shop program so I have been paying with some of the functions on it. This is one of my first ones that I worked on and I love it. I love how her eyes look!

P365 (August 22, 2010)Daven figured out that he can look over the side of the port-a-crib now I think it is just about time to lower it so that he can't Houdini out of it.

P365 (August 21, 2010)

Lucy looking cute!

P365 (August 20, 2010)
This is actually a picture Lindsey took of Rose but I loved it and wanted to post it for today.

P365 (August 19, 2010)Daven does not like to be cradled to sleep anymore but likes to be with you, so he usually ends up falling asleep in the weirdest positions. In this picture he is sleeping upright on my lap, he is so funny!

P365 (August 18, 2010)
Daven on his daddy they look so much alike.

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