Friday, November 23, 2012


Meet our elf zippy he came to our family on Thanksgiving. The kids are excited to see where he moves every morning.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Our Photo Day 2012

All my kids

Austin & Sommer aren't they beautiful!



Twins and Company Fall Party
The one and only photo I got o them before they all freaked out... Rosalee wouldn't even put on her costume because "it hurts mommy" so she wore her rain coat with a cat face on the hood.

Rosalee LOVED feeding the mule his carrots.
Daven liked the horse

Rose was so excited to pet him she just couldn't get enough.

Lucy wanted nothing to do with it... she was freaked out.

Showing Daven how he will eat out of his hand
feeding the geese

Rosalee picking a pumpkin

Lucy trying to pick up this big pumpkin.

Daven loved to pull the wagon everywhere.

Rosalee making a funny face on the tractor.

My brother was hit by a drunk driver on his motorcycle early in October the kids wanted to make him pictures to make him feel better. We took them to him in the hospital. He is doing ok broke his leg and tore all of the tendons in his right foot. He will be doing lots of sitting but through this all he realized just how much he loved his new girlfriend Amber and proposed to her! We are so excited to grow our family.
Adam and Amber

Pumpkin Time

Austin came down for our family pictures and we decided to decorate our pumpkins while she was here. She helped Lucy with her piggie pumpkin.

daven and his puppy punkin

Rosalee and her kitty cat she wanted to put whiskers on her...

My annual photo of the kids and their pumpkins... they are getting so big!

Happy Halloween
This is the best picture I got from the kids all together! oh and Nana
Lucy was in her words "Meme (Mini) Mouse Boutique"
Rosalee was Jessie from Toy Story she had a red hat and bullseye but they didn't make it the whole night. I wasn't sure if I she was going to wear it all night when I put it on her she acted like it was burning the flesh off her body (she hates dress up) The only way I got her in it was to say you have to have a costume on the get candy. :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Summer time

A little catch up from the last couple months...

Happy 18th Birthday Austin!
The quilt I made for Austin's Birthday

My Dad's big fish

Rose is not too sure about it...

Daven loves his fishing pole... He is STILL so obsessive about it it drives me crazy!!! There was one time he woke up in the middle of the night crying that he wanted his fishing pole.

Lucy likes to cast too!
He found a new toy... he loved squirting everyone I just love the look on his face tongue sticking out and everything...

Lucy thinks she is Ariel and loves to swim with Nana

Camping at Shepherd

Beautiful Lucy

Rosalee loves her sunglasses

Lucy felt out of the loop
I love dirty faces

Acting like chickens with their best friends

love to Color
 Fun Times at Home
I love this photo

being monkeys

Flying Daven!!! His favorite game

Making caterpillars Daven lost interest pretty quickly but they still had fun...
the girls love painting

This is Roses helmet she is so funny

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I admit it I am not a perfect mom... so i took the kids to McDonald's this week everything fine I just got the food and dishing it out, Daven was standing on a chair and all of a sudden says "uh oh mommy"... I look over and liquid it all over the chair... I thought what just happened??? He PEED all over...??? I looked in his pants and nope no diaper... mind you we are not actively potty training and have never put him in anything other than a diaper... where did his diaper go you may ask??? I have no clue! So I left Austin and Sommer with the girls and rushed him to the car (this is one of those days that I am blessed to have them around!). I set him down and searched for pants... diaper.... ANYTHING.... but of course have nothing... so back on go the pee pee pants so we can get the kids out of the play place without showing the world his naked butt... luckily when we went back in one of my friends sister in law (who I have met twice) was there and I knew her son was similar age told her a little of the situation and begged her for a diaper luckily she was prepared! Gathered the girls and off we went... must have been tiresome because he fell asleep within minutes in the car. I cannot believe that happened... how do you just loose a DIAPER ? how does that happen??? only my life i swear...

Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer Time Fun

So life has just gone by so quickly... In early May my Grandparents made a quick visit to Idaho which was really nice seeing them, and at the end of May Austin graduated from high school. Since then we have had a good summer as a family. 

The kids are growing up so quickly and are fun to watch. 

Daven is such a crack up but that attitude can definitely get him in trouble... His newest backtalk phrase is "don't talk to me" I have no clue how he has obtained this phrase but it is not one of my favorites, although this week he has been catching himself saying it mid sentence, stops, smiles, and says hi mom (like I am so cute aren't I?). It's hard not to smile back at him. I do love his singing though, you know he has multiple songs he know by heart?... I love you - Barney song, twinkle twinkle little star ( which is really funny because he likes to yell the song and sometimes when he is mad and yelling he will forget what he is yelling about and sing twinkle twinkle little star... priceless), Jesus loves me, mickey mouse club house, BINGO, and is really close to the ABC song. I am amazed at how quickly he learns things just by hearing them a couple times. He is currently in LOVE with "Buzz light year to infinity and beyond"! I found a small one at a thrift store that has the wings popped out  he hardly does anything without that Buzz in his hand. we lost it for a few days and that was miserable... just to find it in the most random spot under the seat of his four-wheeler.. He likes to play tricks on me and puts a fake ant (which he thinks is a spider) on my leg... when I don't respond he says mom mom MOOOOOMMMM look spider aaaahhhh!

Rosalee she is too funny her sinister smile is just too cute, she is the most stubborn little thing she has her own agenda always. she is a great talker she will repeat EVERYTHING you say. until recently she has the most crazy hair, I finally had to get it professionally cut because she looked like a homeless person most of the time lol. She is the first person to tell you that she's "c.w.r.a.z.y" she loves the movie tangled or how she puts it "punzel" you know it took me quite a while to figure out what she was trying to tell me, Austin finally figured it out. and she lovves Max and Ruby she calls is "max and Rubies". She will tell you " I'm scared" of everything! If Daven shows her his "spider" or you give her something and she doesn't know what it is.  She wants EVERYTHING BIG : strawberries, chips, bites of food, everything be cause "I BIG" . She loves to go faster, higher, longer than anyone else. She has the cutest little squeaky voice when she is talking to one of her babies. She loves to chase her siblings around the house an in the yard.

Lucy She is so cute, she has always been a late bloomer compared to her siblings but thats ok she has been talking great and loves to parrot everything you say. She is the most strong willed stubborn Girl I know.She has nicknames fro everyone. Daven is Bro-Bro or Day-Day, Rosie  is Ro-Ro, Sommer is Mo, and Austin is Austy. Her favorite response is Noo-uh! She'll do anything for icecream. She will take for-e-ver to eat a meal. She will pick at everything for a half an hour and when you take her plate away when you think she's finished all hell brakes loose. She is a slight perfectionist and doesn't have a concept of time she just enjoys whatever she is doing coloring, painting, playing with her dolls. She is always ready to give you her super model smile.

We love Bubbles

Decorating Cookies they may have been distracted and ate them before they decorated them.

I have been going on pinterest a lot lately and have found a sidewalk chalk paint recipe the kids LOVE it they could be out there for an hour playing with it.

Camping 2012
papa made a swing in the woods!

Daven and his beloved bubbles!
 Gopher hunting!

love the bubble gun in his other hand

Daven and Melissa watching the Coolin days parade

Rose at the Parade
Austin's Graduation


Our new love PLAYDOUGH

The Beloved Buzz Light Year to infinity and beyond

Rose showing her belly

painting she loves to paint!